The Scenery of Funitures (2017) is a series of three-dimensional visual artworks that breathe new life into discarded furniture and home decor. By painting directly onto these second-hand pieces, the artist transforms them into unique works of art. Each piece imagines the stories and memories once attached to these objects, bringing to life portraits that evoke their former owners. This series blurs the line between decorative art and fine art, inviting viewers to see everyday objects in a new light.
The book The Scenery of Funitures was created to accompany the release of this series. It features full-color images of the artworks, with the design thoughtfully crafted by the artist.
The Scenery of Funitures は、捨てられた家具やインテリアアイテムに新たな命を吹き込み、アートとして蘇らせる立体作品シリーズです。
作品集『The Scenery of Funitures』は、このシリーズの発表に際して制作されたもので、デザインは作家自身によるものです。